I had some time to myself, in the barn, this weekend. I was looking around, and began thinking of all the dangers that lurked. Poisonous mushrooms, weed killers, fertilizers, the rat poison and knife that I keep high on a shelf. Horses. The road. You get the idea.
Never get on a horse without a helmet! |
I've invested, probably more than the average family, on various door handle covers, cabinet locks, and medicine lock boxes. And, despite my efforts, I've called poison control, on more than one occasion.
I can't do enough, to keep my children safe, it seems. There are dangers everywhere. At the end of the day, and sometimes in between, I thank God for my children's health and safety. I pray that he keep my children safe, and that he give me the wisdom to do everything that
I can do, to protect and teach them. That is all I can do. It is the prayer I have prayed more than any other, beginning with the day I became a mom.